Friday, June 4, 2010

Universities Specializing in Business and International Studies Prepare Tomorrow’s Professionals

Now more than ever, we live in a global world. As technology advances, the world gets smaller and businesses and organizations are finding themselves serving customers in many countries and from many cultures. As borders and language barriers become less and less of a hindrance, multinational and multilateral businesses need people who can cross the borders and overcome the barriers with them. A degree in International Business Relations or International Information Systems can prepare individuals to enter the global marketplace and perform well in the international arena.

Graduates from an International Business Relations College are trained in the finer points of public, multilateral and international affairs. They are able to navigate the complex, often confusing world of differing cultures and customs, and act as liaisons to bridge cultural and political divides.

International Business Relations Degree holders are skilled in office management and international affairs, and they are able to work in both the for-profit or non-profit sectors. International Business Relations majors can choose positions at international and multilateral companies, in ministries of foreign affairs, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), non-profit associations, international foundations or in humanitarian agencies. They can work in political or foreign affairs as analysts or become information officers and project managers in a host of international fields ranging from global corporations and professional associations to human rights organizations and lobbying groups.

Graduates from an International Information Systems College specialize in supporting and maintaining the technology used by the global businesses and organizations of today. International Information Systems degree majors are skilled in managing technical support staff, interpreting statistical data, designing and maintaining database systems, installing and supporting local area networks and their related software and hardware, and installing and supporting software and hardware used by end-users.

Those who are looking to enter the global market would benefit from attending a Business and International Studies University to learn the skills that will prepare them to act effectively in a steadily shrinking world. Individuals who are prepared to work in multinational, multilateral environments will be in greater demand as globalization continues to spread across borders and continents. Business and International Studies Universities offer the education and degrees tomorrow’s professionals can use in today’s global economies.

Homeschooling – the ‘ins and Outs’

Is Homeschooling legal?

Without a doubt, homeschooling is legal in all the 50 States of the U.S. But, that is just about where the similarity ends. Laws and regulations regarding homeschooling vary from state to state. Interpretations of these laws can vary from scholl district to school district. Additionally, these laws may change every year. The National Home Education network is a wonderful resource when it comes to the legalities of homeschooling. It has a listing of the actual state laws for each state in the U.S. Reading the laws that pertain to your state is perhaps the best way to get accurate information about these laws. But, most people need to get the laws interpreted by a qualified attorney. You can get valuable information from the support group at your locality. Additionally, many state education departments have online resources that will help you in interpreting the state requirements for homeschooling. The internet is also a good source of information. It is a good idea to check out your state laws regarding homeschooling before you start educating your child at home. This will prevent any nasty surprises on the way. If you have to move, you will need to be aware of any tests or exams that your child may need to take.

Disadvantages of public schooling

When we consign our children to public schools, we feel satisfied that they are receiving quality education’. But, are we really getting our money’s worth? More importantly, are the children gaining anything from this kind of a learning procedure?

Socialization is hailed as one of the greatest advantage of schools. This is the place where the child picks up the rudiments of social skills that help him survive. But in truth, a regular school-going child can interact only with his peers. He may bully younger children or fear older ones. He does not know how to behave with an adult. This is because in the school environment he interacts only with his peers. A homeschooling environment brings in a more natural social environment.

A regular school going child cannot read literature. He cannot keep silent or think in depth about any one thing. The artificial ‘busy’ness imposed upon him by the school disallows quiet
contemplation. Rowdy and destructive behavior, as seen among peers, is more noticeable in school-goers.

There is little long-standing knowledge among regular school goers because most things are learnt for the exam. There is no correlation of facts with life. The child may know a lot, but
understands very little. This is where the homeschoolers beat the regular school goers. Ultimately, homeschoolers emerge more adept at facing the outside world.

Benefits Of Homeschooling

Why let Tim and Lisa learn at home than send them to school? Well, first of all, you don’t have to wake them up at 7 every morning and bundle them off to school with umpteen numbers of
instructions, and wait with an anxious heart till they return. Homeschooling gives you more control over the influences that affect your child. The growth and development of your child is removed from the realm of the unknown. You, and you alone can decide what your child needs to do or learn. Tailoring the curriculum to suit the needs and interests of the child is one of the most obvious benefits of homeschooling

Individual attention is another salient benefit of homeschooling. For instance, if Lisa needs more time to learn Math, then she can reduce the time for her English lessons. There are no fixed hours of learning per subject. This means that a child has the advantage of assigning more number of hours to the subject that seems tough WITHOUT any additional pressure. The amount of time needed to learn each subject will depend on the abilities and interests of the child.

The schooling of the child becomes an extended family activity. Parents get involved in every step of the learning procedure. Field trips and experiments become family activities. Thus, the child receives more quality time with his parents. The entire family shares games, chores and projects. Family closeness becomes the focus here. The child is also free of any negative peer pressure while making choices and decisions.

Competition is limited when it comes to homeschooling. The child does not need to prove his ability with regards to other children. His confidence remains intact. Since parents have a deep understanding of their child, they can plan the learning program to pique the child’s interest. It is also possible to intersperse difficult tasks with fun activities. A tough hour with Algebra can be followed by a trip to the nearest museum. Learning becomes fun. Parents can also tailor the curriculum to suit the learning style of the child. Some children learn through reading, while others need to write, and still others need to see objects in action.

Homeschooling allows parents to take control over the moral and religious learning of the child. Parents have the flexibility to incorporate their beliefs and ideologies into the child’s curriculum.
There is no confusion in the child’s mind either because there is no variation between what is being taught and what is being practiced.

Lastly, more and more parents are getting disillusioned with the public school system. They believe that their children are being pushed too hard or too little. Other worrying issues pertaining to discipline and ethics also make the school system less welcome. Many repudiate the educational philosophy of grouping children solely on the basis of their age. Some parents themselves have unhappy memories of their own public school experience that motivates them to opt for homeschooling when it comes to their own children.

Homeschooling is the best way to teach a child if you have the time, the ability and the interest to follow through with his education. After all, nobody can understand or appreciate your child more than yourself.

How to Homeschool Your Child

Now that you have decided that homeschooling is the way to educate your child, get ready for the ecstasy and the anxiety – the road ahead is a bit bumpy, but the rewards more than make up for it. Producing a well-adjusted and well-rounded personality is no mean achievement.

First of all, it is important to check out your state laws on home schooling. Some states need an affidavit filed with the State’s education department. There are basically 3 categories for
homeschooling laws. These are: private school laws, home education laws and equivalency laws. Find your state laws. You may also need to maintain a portfolio that records the child’s educational progress. It is important to look into the legal requirements BEFORE you start homeschooling. Some States also stipulate a minimum educational qualification for the parent or teacher.

Next, look for a support group. If you live in a friendly or curious neighborhood, well-meaning friends will try to dissuade you. At the very least, they may put a lot of uneasy questions in
your mind. A support group that consists of like-minded people will insulate you from the criticism, pressures and questions of regular school-goers. Many groups organize fun events like visits to the zoo, museum, tours to the ice cream shops etc. And if your children hit it off with other homeschoolers, they will be able to build lasting relationships that do not fade when their friends change schools. These groups provide an important avenue for socialization.

The next important thing to do is to select a curriculum. Depending upon the method of homeschooling, you may choose various tools that aid you in this process. The internet is also a rich resource for homeschooling. Do some research and look into the material that is available.

Set certain ground rules. Homeschooling requires a lot of self-discipline and hard work. Here is a comprehensive list of the things you will need:
1) Eagerness to learn
2) Hard work and effort
3) Discipline
4) Time and patience
5) Flexibility
6) Enthusiasm

Consider why you want to opt for homeschooling. Your motives and your reasons are important pillars on which the whole edifice of your child’s lessons depends. Also, consult with your children.
Ask them what they feel about homeschooling. Select a curriculum or custom-make a curriculum that best suits your child. Record keeping is an important part of homeschooling.
Look into the various methods of record keeping. Set up a schedule. Your child does not have to learn 6-7 hours a day. Allow him or her to dictate the time. Flexibility and fun are the cornerstones of homeschooling. Do not stuff too many skills into a single term or year. Prepare a skill list. Make the child learn the skills that he is ready for.

Gentle parenting is the secret to successful homeschooling. Children make great advances in learning and show more enthusiasm. They also turn out to be surprisingly well balanced and well informed when they are taught at home.

Homeschool – Field trips

Why not? Regular schools have them and so why shouldnt you? If you are going over a particular subject with the family and feel that a field trip would be beneficial, then that’s what you should do – go for a trip. If you are attached to a support group, you can plan to include other children too.

Here are some guidelines that will help you plan:
1) Collect the rates
2) Allowed ages
3) Special highlights
4) Size of the group
5) Timings
6) Eating facilities

Inform your support group of all these details well in advance so that the necessary circulars may be sent out. On the appointed day, arrange to meet with other parents and children in a
particular place. Plan the mode of travel and reach the place at least 10 minutes in advance.

The field trip is not just fun. So, let your kids bring their writing material. Allow them time to stare and admire. Do not hurry them along. Collect data beforehand so that you can clear doubts. Get help from a guide, if necessary. And most importantly, have fun and enjoy the time you spend with your children.

Maintaining Discipline in Homeschooling

When the child stays at home all day, and mommy is the teacher, there are certain issues of discipline at stake. It is easy for he child to misconstrue the freedom he has at home and feel that homeschooling is just a long summer holiday. This is a potential landmine and children need to be disciplined right at the start.

Homeschooling gives you and your child a truly immense amount of flexibility. You and your child decide where to learn, how much to learn and when to learn. But,these should be decisions made at the beginning stages. If your child is too little to take an active part in the decision, chart out a few hours of the day for the various activities, and stick to it. When there is no outside agency to supervise and no exams to answer, it is easy to get sidetracked. If your child is old enough, consult him and find out when he wants to learn. Apply your parental discretion and come up with a timetable.

Homework is also a part of homeschooling. What this means is that once lessons have been taught, the child should be asked to do some part of the course work by himself without your guidance. You will need to make sure that your child sits willingly and finishes his work.

Courtesy, manners and punctuality are some of the various facets of discipline that a child has to imbibe in the early years of his life. The school where he interacts with his peers, his seniors
and juniors and his teachers mould these values quite automatically. At homeschool, the child should be taught the importance of speaking and behaving in a proper manner and appropriate corrections need to be meted out if behavior is unsatisfactory.

It is advisable to keep aside a particular room or a part of the room for your homeschool. The child should be expected to reach his desk at the appointed time, in proper attire with all the
necessary material. It is easy to allow the school to become an extension of play if these ground rules are not laid out and followed. As the teacher, supervisor, principal and janitor rolled into one, you should also approach the study area with a cool professionalism.

Homeschooling is doomed to fail without patience. In spite of all the precautions and steps one takes, it is easy for a child to get familiar’ at homeschool. At such times, it may be difficult to
discipline the child and get him to listen to you attentively. When this happens, switch to something new. Allow the child to take a breather and enjoy a break yourself.

Homeschooling is not easy. It requires a lot of hard work and patience. The very informality of the whole procedure sometimes works against it by making it too easy. If you take steps to
establish rules at the very beginning and adhere to these rules, your homeschooling experience will be a huge success.

What Does a College State University Has to Offer?

Nowadays, more and more people feel the need for a higher education. A college state university can open a fantastic world of knowledge, a whole new experience and a future world of success, prosperity and stability. Students of the 21st century have various perspectives and opportunities.

One of the major advantages of going to a college state university is their athletic programs. Many notable academic institutions have well-trained athletic teams and participate in all kind of competitions. Attending a college state university which has a good team includes televised games, pep rallies, homecoming parades and of course rivalries.

Still, a respectable and accredited college state university has much more to offer. The principle of a sound education stands as a golden rule in all prestigious institutions and this is why many are equipped with large libraries and media centers. Students have plenty of places to study and also plenty of computer labs with high-speed Internet access. They can study online courses and research for various projects. A full-equipped college state university has a library, a study hall and of course several computer labs.

When deciding to attend a college state university, one must also enquire about the social opportunities. Among these are included: fraternities, sororities, clubs and student government organizations. All these things are a good part of the whole college experience; joining a fraternity or sorority can help to build team spirit or develop better communication skills, not to mention meeting tons of new people.

The state of Georgia has a lot of institutions that provide the possibility of higher education. Attending a Georgia college university can be a wonderful experience into the world of knowledge. There is a wide range of subjects and qualifications to follow. Education programs at a Georgia college university include lectures, seminars, workshops, trainings and practices.

Almost every Georgia college university has high tuition fees and this is not a bad thing. These fees usually cover access to university books, software and computers. Future students are advised to inquire about all the facilities offered by a Georgia college university before applying for study. Also, one must find out as much as possible about financial aid availabilities and apply for student education loans system if necessary.

The wonderful blend between the academic program and the athletic one offered by a Georgia college university can only lead to well-prepared students, always ready to face the real world and eager to work. A higher education requires much study, research, writing and reading. The important thing is that is pays. Learning the value of high determination from college is vital in order to be prepared for the future.

Before applying at a Georgia college university, one can attend a student fair and find out more about the facilities offered. The alternative is going online and using online services offered by most universities. Colleges are now providing various services in order to orient students and they do that by giving them as much useful information as possible about courses available.

Online services provide details about almost every Georgia college university that is out there. You can find lists of subjects, courses and also information about financial aid. Some websites even have an online forum where one can enter and ask questions or just discuss with students. Such services are real useful to students and usually they help them decide for which university to apply.

The social environment is very important for a future student. He will always investigate the college society, availability of night clubs, sports clubs and beaches nearby. These things are sometimes almost as important as accommodations, meal plans and living expenses. All add up to form the life of a student, a world full of dreams and opportunities.

Early Childhood Education Degree

These days, you are able to enroll in any course that you like online. This is very beneficial for a lot of people who are not able to relocate or be physically present at school. The main reason why people want to go back to school is to get an early childhood education degree. The common problem when getting a degree online is looking for the right online school. There are only a few who are accredited which can sometime hinder individuals to go to school online.

So if you are faced with this problem then here are some things you need to know when you want to get a degree on early childhood education online. The first thing is that, online schools let you take your classes at the comfort of your home. Even if you are across the world you can still take lessons. The only thing you need to have is time and of course a reliable internet connection. There are a lot of internet service providers in the market so this will not be a problem.

Next, comes the researching of schools online. The Internet is very easy to use and provides you with all the information you need when researching. Once you have scouted several online schools that you like considering that they are all accredited it is time to contact them. You should know the subjects they offer, the fees to be paid and if you are required to be present in school to take the exams or quizzes. This is the case for some because the professors or exam administrators are not able to watch the students when taking exams or quizzes. Finding an accredited school can be a challenge but once you have found one it will be worth it.

Choosing an accredited school is important because when you are going to apply for a job the school will always prefer those who graduated from accredited school. An accredited school means that the standards are up to par. If you are not a graduate of an accredit school they will question the standards of the online school because it may not confer with their requirements.

Considering the program offered by a certain online school will let you determine how many subjects you need to take in a certain school. Right now, the curriculum of online schools are not complete which can a bit of a disadvantage. Though, if a subject is offered in a university or college near you then the problem is solved.

Getting an early childhood education degree can be a bit difficult at first but as compared to enrolling in a university it is so much easier. Especially when you have a family to take care of you can still do it while attending your school at home. This is why online schools attract individuals who are willing to get a degree but are not able to attend physically. Definitely, online schools will help save money but still individuals are able to enroll at schools with high standards.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

PhD Scholarship on Relativistic Electrons in Electric Discharges at Technical University of Denmark

PhD scholarship on RELATIVISTIC ELECTRONS IN ELECTRIC DISCHARGES is available at DTU Space, Copenhagen, with start date September 1st 2010, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The position, which is funded by The Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Sciences, is related to a mission planned for the International Space Station: ‘The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor’ (ASIM) for observations of extreme thunderstorms and their influence on the atmosphere. The project will study how electrons are accelerated to relativistic energies in electric discharges in the atmosphere. The question has been raised after the surprising observations from satellite of high-energy radiation from the atmosphere above powerful thunderstorms, and from lightning and laboratory discharges. The radiation is bremsstrahlung from electrons that are accelerated to unexpected high energies. The acceleration process is not well understood but is interesting because it influences the dynamics of the discharges and their effect on the atmosphere.

DTU Space has developed numerical methods to study the phenomenon with very high precision of the electron dynamics. These will be used to explore the conditions for electrons to reach high energies and their influence on the discharge dynamics. The simulations will be evaluated relative to measurements from laboratory experiments. The study will be conducted in collaboration with researchers at the Technical University of Eindhoven, Holland, and the Russian Federal Nuclear Center – VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia.


Candidates should have received a master’s degree in science or engineering, or a similar degree at an equivalent academic level, at the time of employment. A candidate is sought with good background in physics and numerical methods, and with a reasonable mastering of the English language.


We must have your online application by 28 June 2010. Go to: and select the position advertisement. Then open the link ‘apply for this job online’ and fill in the application form and attach all material that should be given consideration in the assessment.


The study will be under the DTU Space PhD network ‘Space Science and Technology’ . The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. For information about the requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, go to


The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students. The study will be based on the DTU Space ‘South’ office, Juliane Maries Vej 30, close to downtown Copenhagen. The student will organizationally be under the Department of Solar System Physics.

The Nestle MBA Scholarships for Women from Developing Countries

The Nestlé Scholarship for Women was first awarded in 1997 and was initiated by a group of IMD MBA participants who wanted to encourage women to take the MBA.

Topic Description
Number of scholarships One
Amount CHF 25,000
Geographic region Worldwide (with preference given to developing countries)
Who can qualify Accepted women candidates who demonstrate financial need. Employees of Nestlé and its subsiduaries are not elegible.
Criteria Submitting an essay discussing the issue:
‘Does diversity in management impact the bottom line? If so, how?’
(maximum 750 words)
>> essay template
Need based Yes: Submit
>> MBA Financial Aid Application Form (DOC, 48kB)
Jury The IMD MBA Scholarship Committee
Deadline September 30
Contact Scholarship essays, or questions, should be sent to

IMD MBA scholarship conditions

Applicants must have been accepted into the IMD MBA program prior to their application.

Our scholarship applications are essay based, with winning essays typically including the following features:

•Relevance to the essay title
•Organization and structure
•Fully developed arguments
•Personal element and/or passion
IMD reserves the right not to award a scholarship if the criteria are not met to the satisfaction of the jury/sponsors.

PhD Positions at BioInterfaces International Graduate School, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

The BioInterfaces International Graduate School (BIF-IGS) provides the recruitment and training platform for the BioInterfaces Research Progamme at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany.
The BioInterfaces Programme brings together biologists, chemists, physicists, IT specialists, engineers, and material scientists with the common goal of controlling living systems, and bridges the gap between fundamental research and development of application-oriented technologies and products. The programme is tightly linked with the Universities of Karlsruhe and Heidelberg. In addition to offering the right of graduation, both Universities contribute scientifically to the BioInterfaces research school. While the University of Karlsruhe is more technically oriented, the University of Heidelberg has an emphasis on biomedical research and basic physics of surface interactions and microscopy.

Thus BIF-IGS offers outstanding graduate students education and training in trans- and multi-disciplinary research areas that allow students to prepare for future careers in professional fields such as health sciences, biotechnology, physics, chemistry and environmental science. Students will gain experience by working in a stimulating environment using state-of-the-art technology in an interdisciplinary context that promotes the ability of cross-frontier thinking. Laboratory work is supplemented by seminars, summer schools, training in soft skills and participation in international conferences.

Online registration/application is possible until June 30, 2010.

International Hotel and Resort Management Scholarships 2011 at BMIHM, Sydney Australia

Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School offers a grant of AUD10,000 to contribute to the successful applicants Year 2 (Only) Tuition Fees for the following program at its institution:

Associate Degree of Business (International Hotel & Resort Management)

Please note: Payment of the above funds will be awarded to the successful student by direct payment off the total fees for Year 2 tuition Invoice only. Students will be required to enrol in the minimum 2 year Associate Degree and must be able to fund the total Year 1 Fees independently. No year 2 direct entry applications will be considered for either of the above awards. The scholarship grant is administered by the nominated member institution. The scholarship money does not include any air fares international student health cover, accommodation or text books and it is the scholar’s responsibility to finance additional expenses and living costs over and above the AUD10,000.

Please do not submit an application if you do not meet the general eligibility and merit based selection criteria, or if you do not have adequate financial support to cover the expenses outlined above

General Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the scholarship applicants must:

•not be a citizen of Australia or New Zealand or a permanent resident of Australia;
•satisfy Australian Government Visa requirements for international student entry to Australia;
•not hold a current Australian Government Scholarship;
•meet or exceed the institution’s academic (qualify for the course to which you wish to apply for) requirements for the course which is to be considered for a scholarship (for more information on specific programs requirements refer to the program search available at;
•be applying to commence a new course of study and not be seeking support for a course already commenced in Australia;
•be able to commence study in the Semester for which the scholarship is offered.
Merit Based Selection Criteria

Conditions of Award of Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Scholarship

•Student that is successful in his/ her application and is awarded the scholarship will be required to enrol at The Blue
To complete your application you will need to submit the following documents:

•1 copies of the completed THE-ICE International Scholarship Application Form
•1 certified copies of your Birth Certificate OR Passport
•1 certified copies of your IELTS results (minimum obtained in 2008 or 2009), or proof (a letter from the Principal or Registrar of the Institution at which you studied, confirming that you studied full-time, and that the medium of instruction was English) of completion of at least 5 years secondary and/or tertiary education with English as the language of instruction
•1 certified copies of all academic results in English; if not in English please include certified official English translation in addition to certified original language copy. For High School studies certified copies of high school certificates and results are required; for tertiary studies certified copies of award certificates and full academic transcripts (with key/guide to grading system) must be included
◦Explanation of the grading system and academic criteria at the institution of study of all academic results, which can generally be found at the back of your academic record
◦Arrange for two letters of reference from university/ school personnel to be completed using the attached forms;
Applications received without the required documentation will not be considered. Completed application and supporting documentation should be mailed to the following address and received by the closing date:

Closing Date : 24 September 2010

Eric Bleumink Fund for Development Cooperation: University of Groningen Master and PhD Scholarships

The University of Groningen was awarded both the Diploma Supplement label and the ECTS label as the first and only higher education institution in the Netherlands. The labels are a ‘certification’ awarded by the European Commission to those institutions that have properly implemented these two aspects of the Bologna agenda.

The introduction of the Bologna system in higher education in Europe comprises various aspects. Issuing a Diploma Supplement and properly applying the ECTS system, including the relevant documents, are services offered to the student, plus they make an international comparison of education systems and
The grant is usually awarded for a maximum of 2 years for a Master’s degree programme, and a maximum of 4 years for a PhD. For PhD, part of the research should be conducted in the home country and part in Groningen .

The grant covers the tuition fees plus the costs of international travel, subsistence, books, and health insurance. It covers expenses incurred in travelling to and from the Netherlands for PhD candidates for a maximum of 4 times. For specific information, please check the rules & regulations [PDF].

Eligible candidates

In all cases candidates who are employed and supported by an institute or university in a developing country that has signed a co-operation agreement with the University of Groningen and who receive an income from that institution will be given preferential treatment. Candidates should: be nationals of and have their permanent residence in one of the country’s listed, have a good command of the English language, be in good health so health insurance in the Netherlands can be arranged, be available for the whole period of the fellowship and be able to take part in the entire study programme, have no other means of financing the study in question.

Further criteria for approval are: (a) academic excellence, shown by academic performance and may be confirmed by letters of recommendation from university professors; (b) contribution of candidate’s education in terms of strengthening the scientific capacity in the candidate’s home country; (c) perspectives to a long-term linkage between the home institution and the University of Groningen

Extra criteria for PhD candidates are: applicant should be employed by a research institute of university in one of the listed countries and receive an income from the home institution, application should be supported by this organization, the University of Groningen must be able to provide an academic supervisor who will be responsible for the scientific supervision of the research

Countries of origin:

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Central African Replublic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, China, Colombia, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kiribati, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Moldova, Mongolia, Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Namibia, Niue, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Autonomous Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tokelau, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe, East Timor, South Korea

Purposes: Master, Ph.D.
Deadline: Applicants need to meet the deadline of the respective Master’s or PhD programmes. Application forms for Master’s programmes can be found through the websites or Admissions Offices of the respective faculty or Graduate School . Application deadline for the scholarship is 22 February.


Applications for student scholarships can be submitted by students from one of the eligible countries for a Master’s or equivalent programme at the University of Groningen.

Master’s degree programmes: A step-by-step application guide
1. First the candidate should apply for admission to a study programme at the University of Groningen .

2. When the candidate applies for this admission, he or she must indicate on the application form that his/her study performance is excellent and that he/she wishes to be nominated for a Eric Bleumink Fund scholarship.

3. If the study programme agrees with the candidacy for a EBF scholarship, they will send a standard application form including the motivation of the candidate to the Board of the Eric Bleumink Fund prior to 1 March. Per studyprogramme only two candidates can be nominated.

4. The Board of the Eric Bleumink Fund will take a decision during their meeting in March.

5. The studyprogramme and the candidate will both be informed on the decision taken by the Board.

6. If a candidate is selected the coordinator and the candidate will have contact on the details of his or her arrival. If necessary he/she can contact the Board of the Eric Bleumink Fund for extra assistance.

PhD programmes

Applications for PhD grants may only be submitted by individuals from developing countries if endorsed by a professor of the University of Groningen and with the support of their home institution / partner university. The application should contain an elaborated research proposal or pre-proposal. The application may also be submitted by the academic supervisor at the University of Groningen or at the home institute in the developing country. The academic supervisor in Groningen participates in one of the Research Schools or Research Institutes of the University of Groningen .

More information: For rules & regulations [PDF].

Jim Ellert MBA Scholarships 2010 at IMD Business School, Switzerland

Jim Ellert MBA Scholarships are intended to attract students from Africa, Central and Eastern Europe (including all former Soviet republics), and the South-Eastern Asian Peninsula (Thailand, Myramar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia)

Field of study: Masters in Business Administration
Scholarship value/inclusions: CHF 20,000


Accepted candidates who demonstrate strong financial need (with preference given to women). Candidates will also be considered on the basis of merit as per the quality of their admission application.

Submitting an essay on: ‘Why I would like to do an MBA at IMD’ (maximum 500 words)

•Essay template
•MBA Financial Aid Application Form (DOC, 48kB)

The deadline for scholarship applications is 30 September annually.

CFSR Grants in Science and Engineering for Developing Countries,USA

Canon Foundation for Scientific Research (CFSR) sponsors scientists primarily in the scientific and engineering disciplines in developing countries. The foundation aims are to support activities that will increase the participation of under represented nations in these disciplines and to develop an understanding of how this will influence development.


•Applications must be in the engineering or scientific fields
•Applications relevant to current funding initiatives will be given priority
•Applications will be considered from postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers and established researchers with permanent institutional positions
•Applicants may be asked to attend an interview (at CFSR’s expense)
•Applicants will be asked to produce evidence of the use of their funding, for example a certificate of attendance, conference report etc.

The Oxford University “Clarendon Fund” Scholarship 2011 for International Students

The Clarendon Fund is the University of Oxford’s flagship scholarship scheme. The awards are sponsored by Oxford University Press and are only available at the University of Oxford for all full-time and part-time graduate degrees.

Target group:

All candidates including international students accepted to start a graduate course at Oxford in 2010/11.

Application instructions:

Apply at the same time as you apply to Oxford by ticking the Clarendon Fund box in the University of Oxford Scholarships section of the graduate application form. The next application deadline is 7 January 2011 for Medical Sciences and Philosophy students and 21 January 2011 for all other subjects.

Capacity building of clerical staff in educational institutions

In order to achieve any goal in a systematic way the role of leadership and management is indubitably compulsory. In addition, the role of supporting staff is also unavoidable. One can often observe the role of subordinates and clerical staff in any office of educational and non-educational organisations. The job of the clerical staff is to facilitate and assist rather than slow down the pace of the educational program. They are responsible for the creation of professional and friendly environment in the offices. Besides their academic qualification, the personnel already working in the organisations also need latest knowledge, techniques, skills, methodologies and approaches to enhance their performance. All such professional expertise can be inculcated in them through 'Capacity Building Mechanism' (CBM).

CBM for clerical and non clerical staff is a new and emerging phenomenon. This is about bringing positive change in offices and the officials. All the well structured Organisations plan and implement numerous programs to enhance their staff's working capacity as a part of their Staff Development Program.

The goal of CBM is basically a positive and creative "CHANGE" in the workers' knowledge, behaviour, attitude and competence along with their skills, values and beliefs. This process is designed to improve job understanding, promote more effective job performance and establish future goals for career growth. According to Morphet, Johns and Reller (1959:431) the prime concerns of such programs will include these questions.

1. What behavior do we wish to change?

2. What is the present condition or level of behaviour we wish to change?

3. What is the desired condition we wish to achieve in personnel performance?

4. How can we link learning theory to staff development programs?

5. What type of training shall be employed (classroom, on-the-job, apprenticeship)?

6. What type of newer technologies shall be employed (computers, projectors, close circuit T.V, programmed text materials and video cassettes)

7. What indicators shall we use to evaluate the effectiveness of development programs?

Prominent universities of the developed countries like University of Leicester, University of Bath, University of Queensland Australia, University of California, University of Leads and Shepherd University have developed capacity building programs for their teaching and clerical staff. The chief aim of such programs is to assist the development of each individual and group to boost up organisation's performance through improving organisational efficiency and effectiveness.


Honadle (1981) describes seven components that form the CBM for the development of any type of staff.


At first step it is to be analysed that:

(a) What the organisation is doing?

(b) How well is it doing it?

(c) What is the current level of activities?


At the second step, the lessons learnt from the analysis of the first step are to be applied in the future activities, a change can be anticipated as a result. This change can be of any type ranging from the demographic, economic, political, operational, and professional and academic.


Consequence of anticipation is policy making. Policy is formulated on the bases of best available knowledge, manpower and infrastructure. Basic aim of policy must be to meet the anticipating change.


To implement the policies, creation and development of feasible and appropriate work plan and program is compulsory. This program will consist of the detail of required sources and services, their generation and steps to utilize these sources and services to achieve the goals.


The Mechanism must have the ability to collect the resources and then absorb them. This includes the recruitment and/or selection of personnel, taxing and grants-man-ship. Absorbing the resources is to utilize these resources. Sometimes an organisation has the resources but lacks the ability to utilize them fully. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES:

The elements management resources are; budgeting, financial management, personnel relations and record keeping. Better resource management saves the wastage of human and material resources.


Evaluation is the soul of all this process. Evaluation of the past and current activities provides true guidance to plan and implement future actions.

There are various factors which affect capacity building;

A) staff competence and capabilities,

B) salaries

C) service hours

D) dual employment and side business

E) personnel management

F) administration style

G) motivation


Development and training is an easy way to help your employees become more engaged. People choose to work with organisations that encourage development and stay with you if you continue to provide opportunities for development, whether formally or informally. People produce their best work when they are interested and committed to what they do. If they believe in their organisation's products and services, and they can see that the organisation values their contribution by supporting their development in concrete ways, they are very likely to be engaged.


Capacity building has become equivalent to full change. It plays an integral part in developing the institutions' philosophy, goals and expectations. Training and development activities increase professionalism, productivity and individual and organisational effectiveness. Examples of such activities include job related enhancement, change personnel attitude and behaviors, career development, instructional development, new, strengthened and refined skills and research and scholarships, when appropriate. The elements, which highlight the role of CBM for clerical staff, are:


Clerical staff is critically involved in learning process of students. It is to facilitate and manage the activities of students as well as other staff. It also creates a friendly environment in the institution. All these elements have impacts on students' learning. So any improvement in the clerical staff is bound to influence the student learning.


For an effective functioning of the institutions, it is necessary that the teaching staff is provided adequate support in the following areas of work: (a) library (b) laboratory (c) clerical work and (d) non clerical work (Kapoor and Permi, 1988:73)

As described, clerical staff is to facilitate the teachers and to manage their activities Improvement in their abilities to assist, support the enhancement of teachers professional performance.


The main aim of capacity building of clerical staff is to develop quality management and administration.


Capacity building of clerical staff provides it ability and opportunity to get progress and growth in its career.


Trough this mechanism a staff member understands the nature of his job, its needs and requirements, its purposes and his own role related to that job.


Improvement in skills, behaviour, efficiency, competency and motivation of staff consequently gives the results of growth, development and expansion of an organisation.


To formulate and achieve future objectives and goals, CBM provides knowledge of latest technology, required skills, required behaviour and attitude, required efficiency and required understanding of responsibilities.

To sum it up, while keeping in mind all the positive points regarding capacity building of clerical staff and the change it will bring in the long run, there are some challenges which continue to serve as a deterrent for such a process.

In Pakistan, organisations especially public sector organisations don't practice this process completely and comprehensively. Firstly, the existence of such mechanism is rare and secondly, the full concentration is on programs development rather than the situation analysis, objectives formulation, policy making and evaluation and feed back, which are compulsory to judge the levels of mechanism's achievements as well as overall program structure.

Another hurdle is the structure and environment of our offices. After the training, retraining, or any other type of Capacity Building Program like coaching, counseling, and monitoring, when an employee comes back in the office, it does not match theoretically, functionally or practically with the atmosphere which he observed and learned during his training.

Hence, he doesn't see his newly gained knowledge materialize into action. It is also obligatory for management to provide the staff environment and infrastructure according to its caliber and responsibilities. These steps will change office environment and employee behaviour, develop staff capacity and capability, and enhance teaching and learning system in the educations institutions.

Another abrupt change of academic session

The decision to change academic session once again will have serious repercussions as it leads to an incomplete and shortly ended academic session with a heavy loss. We, as a nation, are already suffering from a real dearth of good educated people and this decision would further ruin the situation in terms of knowledge-base of the students

In today's competitive world of rapid change, every other country is finding new ways to be in the line. China is planning to put a man on moon whereas engineers at NASA have successfully tested their own deep space Internet by creating a new communications protocol that uses space probes and orbiters as deep space routers.

Every country is striving hard to produce more and more scholars, researchers and scientists, but we are constantly faced with the danger of being left way behind in this race of advancement because of our poor education system. While other nations are striving had to explore the depth of knowledge, we are still undecided about when to start the academic session. Should it start from April or from August? It's been four years now since we have been discussing as to when to start the session and every year we remain undeceive in the wake of new questions with no answers. Students, teachers and those who are associated with education, in one or the other way, remain disturbed till the government finally announces when to start the academic session after altering it several times.

The pace of change is accelerating with every passing moment whereas our educational system is diminishing day by day. Once again, the steering committee of the Sindh Education Department decided that the next academic session of schools and colleges in the province would commence, simultaneously, on April 01, 2009 and this schedule will remain in force in the future too.

According to this decision, the annual examinations up to class VIII would be held in February, 2009 and the new session would commence from April 1, 2009. Whereas the final examination for class-IX and class-X would be held in the month of March and the result would be announced by July 2009.

This chaotic decision will create great mess in the up-coming days. The current academic session started in the month of August, if the examinations are going to be held in the month of February, then this year's session (2008-2009) would be of six month only.

According to the Sindh Education Minister, Pir Mzharul Haq, the academic session was abruptly changed from April to August by the previous government owing to their unrealistic approach and policy. Since the creation of the country the academic session had been commencing from April.

This decision will have serious repercussions as it leads to an incomplete and shortly ended academic session with a heavy loss. We, as a nation, are already suffering from a real dearth of good educated souls and this decision would put oil to the burning flame.

Put another way, this year we would be having 180 days only, for the session. If we look at the annual calendar for gazetted holidays and calculate the other vacations, granted on account of various festivals, we are sparing hardly 100 days for the education of our future generation.

The current session 2008-2009 started with the holiday of Independence (14 August) later we had vacations for Eid-ul-Fitr (October 2-4) moving on, we will be having holidays for Eid-ul-Azha (10 to 11 December - expected) Quaid-i-Azam day/Christmas day (25th December) and finally the session would end-up with the two-day holiday on account of Ashura (9 & 10 Moharrum).

Every year, schools remain closed for 10 day as winter vacations. If we exclude these winter vacations and Saturdays/Sundays, this short ended session would become the micro short ended session. Furthermore, the school has to take at least two preliminary exams before final exams. This also consumes study time.

Whether it's a natural disaster in our beloved country or seasonal downpour, its transporters' strike against rising prices of petrol or a suicidal attack, the very first step taken in order to avoid any-mishap is to close down all the educational institutes until it is safe enough to open them again. This also leads to excessive holidays. Similarly, vacations on account of Urs of various religious scholars, Shab-e-Mairaj, shab-e-Barat, Shab-e-Qadar and other such festive also disturbs the academic session.

It is irrefutable fact that our educational structure needs drastic revamping with more stress to be laid on authorities being well-versed in their respective subjects. Pakistan is a third world country and to raise our status to the level of other developed country, we need research-based and technology oriented educational systems.

The distribution of free books or scholarships won't signal a great change in the society. The government should seriously focus on the development of educational sector. Changing the title cover of a book can be a kind of self-deception until the Sindh Text Book Board commits itself seriously to the task of revision of text books with respect to the current scenario and changing demands. Unfortunately, our text books are outdated and often include archaic material. Though many radical changes have been brought in the worlds of science, technology, and literature (infact, in every single field) but for the last several decades not even a single change has been brought about in the textbooks. Moreover these books include the material which was studied by our teachers' teachers.

Unavailability of textbooks, sometimes throughout the year, is also an important issue which should be addressed promptly. This year we are already running out of time as the session is only of 6 months; and this dilemma enhances students' worries. Moreover, the students of class IX & X study only the half of the syllabus and get matriculation degree. The officials should take prompt action against this paradox.

Lack of research culture is another inherent flaw of our educational sector. Instead of considering research a subject of the university level only, we should start it from school level. Our students are encouraged to do the rote learning right from pre-school. This trend channelizes their talents towards unproductive horizons. They don't bother understanding concepts and the result is lack of knowledge. Nevertheless, the concept of five-year papers should be eradicated by a long term strategic planning.

Unfortunately, in Pakistan discrimination is being done as a policy even at the level of government. Our educational system is divided into various boards namely Sindh Board (Karachi Board), Punjab Board, Federal Board, Agha Khan Board, Lahore Board, Multan Board, Hyderabad Board, Rawalpindi Board, Mardan Board, Peshawar Board, Abbottabad Board, Balochistan Board and the list is endless.

Every board has its own policies, examination procedures and grading system. The irony is that these provincial educational systems are also divided into four broad classes. i.e the elite English medium schools, English medium school (The bungalow schools), Urdu medium schools (government) and the madressahs.

Students belonging to the elite class study books written and published by the foreigners that results in heavy brain drain phenomenon. Those who belong to the so-called English medium schools are the ones who even can't write a single paragraph in English. Similarly, the condition and the level of intelligence of a government student is open to all of us therefore it's useless to discuss. As far as Madressahs are concerned, when I think of a madressah, instantly a term comes in my ie Bartar Deal - the non monetary exchange of goods and/or services.

Madrassas are the true example of Barter deal where every thing is free of cost and in response students spend their entire day at madressah, and do the regular household work ranging from cleanliness to the cooking and bringing stuff from market to the washing cloths.

Would it be justified to expect anything from such students (for their country or for themselves)? It might sound too pessimistic but the proof lies in the fact that we have only one Nobel Prize laureate. Without wasting a single moment we should design a realistic, appropriate and beneficiary educational structure. We have entered the danger zone; Parha Likha Punjab be immediately transformed into Parha likha Pakistan.

Another neglected yet promising sector is the sector of Technical Education. It's a common practice that boys pursue engineering whereas girls consider medicine as the best option for higher studies. Although there are many other good options available. To cope up with this chaotic situation the concept of career counseling should be introduced and students must be made aware of all the available options so that they can choose their desired careers at the right time.

Last but not the least; we should pay special attention towards the start of academic session, reduce the number of vacations, and make sure the availability of research-oriented textbooks before the start of the academic session.


Holidays of the current session (2008-2009)

S No Occasion Dates No of holidays


1. Independence Day 14 August 1 day

2. Eid-ul-Fitr October 2-4 3 days

3. Eid-ul-Azha 10 to 11 December - expected 2 days

4. Quaid-i-Azam day/ 25th December 1 day

Christmas day

5. Ashura 9-10 Moharrum 2 days

6. Winter Holidays Dec 2008-Jan 2009 10 days

Total 19


If the off days on Saturday/Sunday are also counted then the session would become shorter

Saturday, May 29, 2010

WAPDA Load shedding & annual examinations

Pakistan - WAPDA announces 6 hours load shedding schedule in all over the country. WAPDA officials confirmed that from 20th March 2009 6 hours load shedding schedule has been passed in all over the country.
On the other hand students are looking worry on this announcement. On the other hand, annual examination schedules are also announced by all the educational boards. The students are feeling it difficult to prepare for their annual examinations. Board of Intermediate and Secondry Education has already announced its schedule for annual examination of Matric level starting from 17 March, 2009 and 1st and 2nd year annual examination are going to start from 21 April, 2009.
WAPDA justified that it is necessary this time to announce schedule
this time and to save light it is necessary to do load shedding for six
hours. The WAPDA officials also confirmed that the light schedule is equal for every area as in urban and ruler areas in residential sector. But they also confirmed that WAPDA will give two hours relaxation to industrial and textile area.

Athens State University

Athens State University is the oldest institution of higher education in Alabama 's state educational system. The Institution was founded in 1822 by local citizens who purchased five acres of land, erected a building, and began Athens Female Academy . Ownership of the school was transferred in 1842 to the Tennessee Conference of the Methodist Church . With the birth of the North Alabama Conference of the Methodist Church in 1870, the Institution came under the jurisdiction of that body.

On May 10, 1974 , the Board of Trustees requested from the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church that the Institution seek affiliation with the State of Alabama . The conference, at its annual meeting in June 1974, gave the Board of Trustees this permission and authorized the transfer of the Institution to the State of Alabama .

In June 1975, the Institution was accepted by the Alabama State Board of Education subject to the appropriation of operating funds by the Alabama Legislature. Later that year, the Legislature appropriated funds for the operation of the Institution to serve the graduates of state junior, community, and technical colleges/institutes.
The institution's name has changed several times in its 180+ year history, following adjustments in purpose and governance. Athens Female Academy , upon transfer to the Tennessee Conference of the Methodist Church in 1842, became Athens Female Institute. Then in 1889 after having been transferred to the newly formed North Alabama conference, the College was known as Athens Female College . In 1931, the College became co-educational and was known as Athens College . In 1975, when the institution became part of the state educational system, it was renamed Athens State College, marking the initiation of an era of increased opportunity for service. In 1998, a bill was passed by the legislature to rename the College to Athens State University . The long history of service by the University is the foundation upon which the future of the University rests.

Athens State University, offering coursework at the junior and senior level, is the baccalaureate degree granting institution of the Alabama Community College System. Governed under the authority of the Alabama State Board of Education, and in conjunction with the other institutions of the Alabama Community College System, Athens State University provides affordable education in an environment which recognizes diversity and nurtures the discovery and application of knowledge. Located in northern Alabama, Athens State University acknowledges a commitment to primarily serve transfer students of the Alabama Community College System as well as students from other accredited institutions of higher education. The University prepares students for professional careers, graduate school, lifelong learning, and enrichment. The University, through quality teaching, individual attention, and a varied course delivery system, assists students in the timely achievement of their professional and career goals. In addition, Athens State University offers programs of continuing education and community services that provide a variety of cultural and professional opportunities.

To provide educational opportunity to postsecondary students through carefully planned programs of study that impart a body of knowledge, stimulate critical thinking, develop communication and technological skills, foster ethical behavior, and encourage life-long learning in a diverse and changing world.
To serve the student effectively and efficiently by providing flexible scheduling, varied modes of delivery and cooperative arrangements with other institutions.
To recruit, retain, and promote professional development of qualified faculty and staff.
To provide and maintain appropriate learning resources which are supportive of student learning, quality teaching, scholarly research, diversity, and technological proficiency.
To develop and maintain periodic internal evaluation to ensure that all programs are operating within a manner consistent with the mission statement of the University.
To provide opportunities for students to expand their intellectual, social, and cultural horizons.
To provide and maintain student services which furnish necessary information, financial assistance, guidance counseling to assist progress toward personal, academic, and career goals.
To promote and maintain effective student recruitment and retention.
To promote the use of appropriate University and community resources to facilitate educational and training programs for the diversified needs of business, industry, education, and government in addition to providing cultural and intellectual enrichment.
To acquire and administer efficiently and effectively all fiscal resources.
To provide, develop, and maintain a physical plant appropriate for the support of the University programs.
To effectively communicate the University's vision and goals as a baccalaureate degree granting institution to internal and external constituencies.